Simple Things

Simple things are hard.


I trip over everything in my new house. Yesterday I dropped a wooden table leaf on my foot trying to carry it downstairs, then yowled and hopped around the kitchen like a one-footed rabbit. My new neighbor probably thinks I’m crazy. The knobs on the stove are in a different order than I’m used to, so I keep heating up the wrong burner by accident and high-fiving myself when I get it right by chance. Oh, and the new coffee mugs are too fat to fit right in my car consul, so I spill my coffee when bumping over the railroad tracks. Or when I’m turning around *again* on the new 1+ hour commute to work cause I swear I was sure it was a left hand turn….nope. GPS 1, Rachael 0. One of these days I’ll get it.


But simple things are easy too.


Waiting 30 seconds by the front door to wave goodbye and blow a kiss when Joel is getting in his truck for work in the morning, and knowing he’s smiling and blowing one back even though all I can see is his blurry hand through the windshield. Sneaking a note in his lunch box while he’s putting his boots on. Figuring out the coffee pot – (score!) Loving how green all my baby cactuses are cause they love the sunshine through all the windows in our new kitchen.



Learning to rejoice in the simple things. My coffee cup says “Mrs.” on it. Half the time I get my new last name right when I’m writing it down. Boxes are slowly disappearing as things get put away. I know for awhile I’ll still open all the cabinets to find one thing, and forget to turn the lights out, and struggle to remember that the trash can *is not* under the sink. But it’s becoming home, and I’m loving it.


Simple things.






One Reply to “”

  1. I love this. It’s the simple things in life that give us satisfaction. Beautifully written. This post definitely got me to thinking about the blessings in my life. Thank you!

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